“The Disability Act sets out a legislative framework in Victoria for people which affirms the rights and responsibilities of people with a disability and gives effect to a range of quality and safeguards requirements for disability service providers. These include provision of information, duties for providers of residential services, complaints handling, oversight and regulation of restrictive practices and compliance with quality standards prescribed by the Minister.
Service providers may be registered under the Disability Act if the Secretary of DHHS is satisfied that services can be provided in compliance with the Act. Service providers registering under the Disability Act are expected to carry out a self-assessment against standards set by the Minister (the Human Services Standards, gazetted as Department of Health and Human Services Standards) to demonstrate their capacity to meet the appropriate standard of service quality and level of safeguards expected. An independent review to verify their capacity and suitability to deliver services is also required, usually within 12 months of registration. If the provider fails to complete the review or fails accreditation against the Human Services Standards, DHHS will revoke the provider’s registration.
Psychosocial disability does not fall within the definition of disability in the Disability Act, and the provision of psychosocial support and rehabilitation to people with psychosocial disability is not considered to meet the definition of a disability service for the purposes of the Disability Act.”
NDIS, (2016). Victorian Quality and Safeguards Working Arrangements for Transition, (p. 9). https://ndis.gov.au/html/sites/default/files/documents/Provider/Provider%20Toolkit/Victorian%20Quality%20and%20Safeguards%20Working%20Arrangements%20for%20Transition.pdf