Complaints Procedure

The Early Intervention Network values feedback from clients.

All complaints will be investigated appropriately and fully.

For matters where we are ethically or legally required to alert appropriate authorities, we will do so promptly.

For matters where it is appropriate to address internally, we will handle complaints diligently and confidentially.


The Early Intervention Network recognises the right of clients and their families to raise and have resolved any complaints they have regarding the service in a timely manner. In the following outline of procedures, “client” includes the client’s family where the client is a child.


Step 1: Wherever possible and appropriate, the client will be encouraged to discuss their concerns with the staff member concerned.

Step 2: The client and/or the staff member may invite Dr Henry Luiker (director) or Sophie Luiker (operations manager), to partake in informal discussions to assist with the resolution of the complaint.

Step 3: The Early Intervention Network staff will keep minutes of all meetings, decisions and actions decided upon.

Should the issue not be satisfactorily resolved:

Step 4: The client and/or staff member will organise a formal interview with Dr Henry Luiker (director) or Sophie Luiker (operations manager).

Step 5: Dr Henry Luiker or Sophie Luiker and the client will discuss and work towards a satisfactory resolution of the complaint.

If a satisfactory resolution to the complaint is not achieved, the following list of suggested external options will be given to the family.

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), Level 51, 680 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. Ph 1300 419 495

Ombudsman’s Office, Level 24 580 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Ph 1300 362 072

National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), for office locations click here. Ph 1800 800 110

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For more information,
email us at [email protected] or call us at (02) 8188 7331

If you are a service provider, email us at [email protected]

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